Girl Power!!

Ode to women

Girl power!

On Wednesday March 8th, we celebrated International Women’s Day. #WCW (women crush wednesday) so appropriate! Every year on that date we show our appreciation for strong, independent, beautiful females! I have always been such an admirer of powerful women! Ground breakers, teachers, advocates, girl bosses, women with a voice… Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey, Rosa Parks, Marilyn Monroe, Michelle Obama, Anna Wintour (although she scares the crap out of me lol) Ellen DeGeneres, just to name a few! Women are incredible creatures!! Now I can say i’m not a fan of the whole “women are better than men” thing… I don’t think anyone is better than anyone! Males have remarkable traits too. Physical strength, intelligence, leadership, bravery, peeing anywhere they want, never wearing a stitch of mascara and their eyelashes are always so fantastic!! Extremely jealous of the peeing and the eyelashes, you have no idea. We as women tho, bear children.. that’s just a wee one up on men! The fact that we carry a life in our bellies for nine months without being able to have alcohol or eat sushi the whole time is some severe strength!! All joking aside, tho I am so proud to be a woman! We are nurturers, caregivers, strong, independent, beautiful, intellectual, creative, sensitive, intuitive… just to scratch the surface! We are mothers, sisters, grand daughters, aunts, best friends…

Feminism: A range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social rights for women.

In a world where, yes men dominate alot of the professional aspects, women are becoming more and more leaders and revolutionary! I’m not on the ideal that women deserve more than men but I definitely think we should be equals in all things! Just like ethnicity or religion… no matter our views we’re all equals, none better none less! Maya Angelou might be my favourite woman of all time, other than my mom of course! She was an American poet, memoirist and civil rights activist. She became a poet and a writer after a few interesting occupational choices. She was a professor of American studies and worked alongside Malcom X and Martin Luther King Jr. She was a beloved spokesperson of African Americans and women. Maya wrote about anything and everything and her quotes are always so uplifting and positive which I love to use in my daily life! Some of my favourites are….

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour, and some style.”

“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within”

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”

“Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future and renders the present inaccessible.”

Maya Angelou is truly incredible, as are all women! While I was on a road trip in Australia in 2014, I wrote on the inside panel of my camper van “Hillary for president”, being able to see a woman run for president was such a moment of impact for me!! I think anything is possible, for anyone. We can be whatever we want. A woman can be president, a male can be a receptionist. A woman can be a cop, a male can have his own daycare. You only live once and you should have whatever you desire for your life, no gender barriers should ever apply!
Nowadays, ever so sadly, alot of girls are against girls. I despise the phrase “I don’t get along with girls, I have mostly guy friends!” Males in this circumstance have it right, you will always see a large group of guys that have been friends forever and hardly see that with women. Why is that?! Many women put their cattiness first. Jealousy, cliques, judginess, bad attitudes come into play. Heartbreaking! We should embrace our sisters, not compete with them! You will never see that with men, they don’t compare their outfits or fight over a girl. Boys stay friends for life and don’t put any stupid trials in front of their friendship! I can say with the utmost pride I am a women who has a large group of girlfriends that I have had for over 20 years! I am not nor will i ever be catty, jealous, cliquey or just in general negative with or to other women! I think women of all backgrounds are beautiful and I think we need to stick together before anything else. We’re all sisters, all cut from the same cloth. We need to empower each other!! I mean how can you have a life without your girls?!?!
At the end of the day we need to praise women and the woman we are! We need to remember we can do anything a man can even tho some people in society don’t think so, at that point just show them! If we can create a life, I think we can do anything else we put our minds to!! 2017 has made me very proud in the positive views we’re seeing towards women and I hope it will keep getting better and better!

Girl power indeed!!

Peace & Love my ladies xoxo

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