Stand up!!

Made my day!

After just posting my new Dear Diary entry I got this amazingly wonderful message from a woman who will be kept anonymous! I asked if I could share what she wrote to me to show that we’re all in this together and what the power of words, kindness and support can do….

“I hope you don’t mind but I shared your latest blog on my Facebook page! I don’t post much in Facebook and rarely anything personal but your latest blog really hit home for me! I have been bullied by the same girls for many years now and it really caused some major issues in my life. Luckily my husband has been incredibly supportive and has said to me everything you wrote in your blog and more. It’s taken me so long not to beat myself up or question whether or not I deserved their cruelty – your blog just reassured me that I DON’T and the mean girls are just that – mean! I know who I am and I know I am a good person! Finally starting to feel more powerful and stronger. I WONT let them bullying me have any weight on me anymore and like you said – be the bigger person! Thanks for an awesome blog that has inspired me to share on social media and give me the confidence that I needed!”


I had written an entry that had to be taken down due to the mean girl in questions harassment. I don’t usually back down when sticking up for what is right but she was making some of my previous coworkers lives miserable because of the post so for them, I took it down. Long story short, I worked for this woman who praised women empowerment when I was interviewed for the position but was definitely not who she claimed to be. She would bully the younger girls and I stood up for them. She made my work experience quite unpleasant after that so I quit.

It makes me so happy that me, just little old me, writing a blog on how my experience of that situation and how I felt inspired a beautiful sweet woman to voice how her emotions and make her feel comfort in knowing she’s not alone! Words cannot even come close to describing how amazing she just made my day! This is why I write my blog and this is what we need in this world, love, support and good vibes! We’re all in this together!!

Peace, Love & ALWAYS be kind to one another xoxo

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