From the heart xo,  Stand up!!

February 4th 2017

Love yourself 🙂

Since not long ago was Bell Let’s Talk Day, I thought writing about my own personal experience would be fitting. The stigmas on mental health issues have always been pretty narrow minded in my opinion! My family on both sides have had mental health issues, so I’ve dealt with the stigmas my whole life.

I too deal with it, mostly anxiety and at times bouts of depression, but let me tell you it is nothing anyone can control!! It is not a choice or like some people have said “they’re just being negative”… it stems from a chemical imbalance in your body. Unfortunately, no one can stop how our bodies function. If that were the case, we wouldn’t have illnesses or cancer! For years and years I would always wonder why some of my family members would be so incredibly sad or anxious for no reason. Have thoughts and fears of circumstances that weren’t happening. Feel sick when they didn’t have the flu or a cold. I’d always tell them their lives were so great and there was nothing to complain about! They knew it themselves, they just couldn’t help the fact that they were feeling these symptoms and emotions. As i grew older, I started to understand more, there was nothing they could do! It was all about their anatomy. What an awful feeling at any moment in life to be sad or sick because your atoms have failed you. Yes definitely people who have suffered tragedies or trauma in their lives, becoming depressed for obvious reasons is awful in itself but to feel terrible for no reason or anxious when nothing has occurred is one of the worst feelings. I’ve been there where I’ve felt so anxious to the point where my heart was pounding so fast and there would be no reason for it at all. I’d think things that were definitely not in my character to even worry about. I’d always revert back to poor, starving children all over the world that have nothing and here i am with a roof over my head, visibly healthy, with amazing family and friends and i’m stressing about what?! It started getting even harder for me eventually, because this self proclaimed hippie is all about positivity!! Peace and love… happiness! Never sweating the small stuff… i was losing myself. It took a family member and close friend taking medication, seeing their progress and slowly becoming themselves again to make me fully realize it’s all about your body and regulating it. And so began my journey to learning and getting back to being myself as well!!

Cipralex: It is used to treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). It works by increasing levels of a neurotransmitter called serotonin in the brain.

Serotonin: Serotonin is primarily found in the gastrointestinal tract, blood platelets, and the central nervous system. It is popularly thought to be a contributor to feelings of well-being and happiness. These include the regulation of mood, appetite, and sleep. Serotonin also has some cognitive functions, including memory and learning.

Low levels of serotonin in the body is the main cause for many types of disorders. I remember my family member saying “I’m not crazy, why should i take pills?” When we have a cold, don’t we take medicine to get better? Are we crazy for taking Advil Cold & Sinus? So why would taking a medication to stabilize serotonin levels be any different?! I think in general, we all need to be a little more informed before criticizing. Criticism at all is something i can’t stand, if it isn’t constructive, but when it comes to these issues i detest it even more! Any sort of health issue is nothing to joke about and if you suffer from one don’t ever be ashamed! It is beyond your control and all you can do is work to make yourself healthy again. It’s a lifetime battle but you are strong! The more and more we converse about these issues and educate ourselves, the more people we can help or even see we can relate to… We are not alone!! 2016 was one of the highest years in anxiety diagnosis. Personally I’d take consuming a little pill, or if that’s not your personal choice a more natural intake, over not enjoying my life to the fullest and being my true self any day!!

Peace, love & to health and compassion xo

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