Dear best friend…
Dear best friend…
Truly my number one best friends are my parents and always will be. They have been the best parents this hippie wild child could ask for!! My advice givers, travel partners, teachers, amazing role models in life and love! We’ve of course had our ups and downs like most parent/offspring relationships but no matter what I can always count on them. They will forever be my number one loves! My apologies for the craziness I’ve put you through parents, hasn’t been TOO bad tho right?!
Having a sibling tho is a very different bond, you can tell them things that you wouldn’t want to chat about with your parents. Being an only child my best friends have always been like family, filling that void of missing siblings! So this blog is dedicated to my inherited sisters…
I can say, so thankfully and luckily, I’ve had many best friends in my life!! My first two were my childhood Gatineau friends, Jen and Amber, that went through all the firsts with me. First crushes, first childhood “boyfriends”, transitioning from elementary to high school, the Spice Girls era, my obsession with Backstreet Boys and Josh Hartnett. Amber won as Nick Carters biggest fan tho, I still can picture her room walls covered in Nick posters. First embarrassments like me stuffing my bra at age 12, getting caught and humiliated in front of the whole cafeteria by one of the most popular girls in school. So funny now, not so much at the time! Growing up with those two was a blessing. Leaving them and moving to Toronto was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do in my life! I’m so grateful to say that we are still going strong as friends and am happy to see them grow into beautiful women, with great families of their own!
One of my most important best friends, is like i like to call her, Mamma Mare. Man the things we’ve been through! First vacations, those were the days!! First real loves, first real heartbreaks, the party days when we had the energy to be out all night and wanted to do so! Telling each others parents we were sleeping at the others house and just going where the wind took us. (sorry mom and dad) We were rebels! Those party days are over and sadly thankfully so, more money in the pocket, more sleep and less hangovers that now at this age last two days. Being so free and not having a care in the world except for the boys we liked! Sleepovers and parties at her place when her parents were gone, spending christmas with her family since mine doesn’t celebrate. Having to jump up on her insanely high bed, talking on the phone 5 times a day, being my responsible friend i always looked up to! She’s like my big sister, when we are only over a month apart in age. The most memorable for me was the day she met her future husband. Being there to witness their meet cute to becoming maid of honour at their wedding was one of the best moments in my life! Now they have 2 cutie pie children, their own beautiful home covered in mares exceptional design taste and to me are literally the perfect family! Seeing her grow into the amazing mother she has become and the role i knew she’d always be amazing at makes me happy beyond any words! Although our lives have made us busy so that we don’t talk every single second of the day like we use to, it’s as if she’s always there! She is definitely one of my most meaningful and fulfilling friendships ever!!
The next real besty i’ve had is Lindsey, my first roommate ever! Which I like to compare those days to two boys living in a college dorm. We were wild!! We only ever had a bottle of Vodka or Gin in the freezer and an occasional homemade dinner. Our big bottle of Masi chats, me cooking and her baking, our movie obsession, our dating boys who weren’t very good for us, the apartment that is still my favourite apartment I’ve lived in so far with our big red wall and chalkboard door. Her waxing my arm pits and me almost passing out. Road trips, shopping in Kensington market, working and living together and still never killing each other! We have gone through some amazing and fun times that I will always cherish and will always have our roomy/Jdub bond (Lindsey will understand that innuendo) We’ve calmed down quite a bit since those days but I gotta say those were some of the best days of my life!
I have always been a girls girl and have many other best friends, you know who you are. I never understood women being catty to other women. We are sisters and need to stick together!! I can’t imagine my life without my girls in it! All of my friendships are different and equally meaningful to me in each way but my longest friendship has been my sister from another mister, the pap to my smere, that’s an inside joke (i know gross lol) my adventure partner, my Ineezy, my soulmate… Ines. I met Ines when this then skater, small town Gatineau girl moved to the big city of Toronto. Rocking my baggy skater pants, tight shirts and emo bangs, i went to high school in Toronto mid year, a very different atmosphere than the high school I was use to! I had a family friend that I knew that went to my new school and she introduced me to my soon to be new sister. Ines and I met and we just clicked, we are very much alike… in most ways! Although she’s the hopeless romantic, where i’m a SMIDGE tougher in that subject! We weren’t best friends right away but she eventually grew to become the longest and strongest friendship of my life. My parents are her adopt-a-parents, she’s been my weddings and valentines date. Been there when I had the worst break up of my life, I also returned that favour. Family issues, serious life decisions, milestone birthdays, tears, joys, family functions on both sides, witnessing her become an aunt many times, being party animals, boy problems, new jobs, new apartments, vacations, our year long adventure away which was the best thing I’ve done in my life so far! Middle of the night texts or early morning calls if either one of us are stressed and need to talk, that’s mostly been me in our friendship, sorry Ineezy!! Transitioning from teenagers to women. All in all Ines has been the sister I never had! We laugh at nothing and everything, never fight, have our own made up language, our Chinese food/Gummy bear dates, Sex and the City/Friends addictions. Been through good times and bad times. No matter what, she is always there for me just like I am and always will be for her! She is my psychiatrist, her words always make me feel better! I am her fashion stylist when she has weddings or important functions to go to, although she herself has great taste in clothes. No matter what I go through in life I know she is always by my side, which is immensely comforting! I can never truly put into words what she means to me but one word that describes her best is… family! A life without her in it is unimaginable!! I can’t wait to see what life brings us in the future. I know that you will always and forever be in my life! Love you Besty!!!
I’m not very corny so i apologize for this sap fest but if we all are lucky enough to have people like this in our lives we are truly the luckiest people in the world!
Peace, love & to long lasting friendships xoxo