Stand up!!

  • From the heart xo,  Stand up!!


    Do you ever feel like such an idiot? Well i’m sure you do like I do, time to time. If you’re like me, you dwell in your feelings, go over and over it in your head. Not good! Ugh today I feel like a big idiot, for a lot of reasons.. Lessons I haven’t learned yet or took me too long to learn. Things I have done that were embarrassing and I wish I could take back (i’m sure we all have many of those) Believing in things that I wanted to think were true but weren’t. Stuffing my bra in eighth grade and everyone in the cafeteria seeing the…

  • From the heart xo,  Stand up!!

    Love, you!

    I have just recently visited Nova Scotia. I’ve been all around the world and only thirty four years later did I decide to travel across my country. Canada is beautiful, so earthy and full of different shades of green! It was lovely. Minus traumatizing my dog with the fifteen hour drive, the poor thing. He’s all good but slept for 2 whole days when we got back. Whenever I travel I always take the time to evaluate my life while staring out at the ocean, during the long scenic drive or just walking around new cities. So many different landscapes, so many different people. We all have one main goal…

  • Stand up!!

    Made my day!

    After just posting my new Dear Diary entry I got this amazingly wonderful message from a woman who will be kept anonymous! I asked if I could share what she wrote to me to show that we’re all in this together and what the power of words, kindness and support can do…. “I hope you don’t mind but I shared your latest blog on my Facebook page! I don’t post much in Facebook and rarely anything personal but your latest blog really hit home for me! I have been bullied by the same girls for many years now and it really caused some major issues in my life. Luckily my…

  • Stand up!!

    Obama Where Art Thou??

    Trumped! Technically it has only been weeks since our world has changed, to what feels like the olden days once again, as Trump has been declared president of the United States. I still can not believe it!! For me personally, to wrap my brain around living in a world where DONALD TRUMP is the president of the United States, is still something I can’t begin to fathom and because of the following… First of all, the Americans so called president is “The first one to say” he is NOT racist, Ummmm…. So banning all immigrants from entering your land of the free is not racist? Nearly 60,000 immigrants had their…

  • From the heart xo,  Stand up!!

    February 4th 2017

    Love yourself 🙂 Since not long ago was Bell Let’s Talk Day, I thought writing about my own personal experience would be fitting. The stigmas on mental health issues have always been pretty narrow minded in my opinion! My family on both sides have had mental health issues, so I’ve dealt with the stigmas my whole life. I too deal with it, mostly anxiety and at times bouts of depression, but let me tell you it is nothing anyone can control!! It is not a choice or like some people have said “they’re just being negative”… it stems from a chemical imbalance in your body. Unfortunately, no one can stop…