Stand up!!

  • From the heart xo,  Girl Power!!,  Stand up!!

    Light at the end of the tunnel

    October is not only a very special month to me as it is my birthday month but also because it is Domestic Violence Awareness month.   I had written an article on my own experience with domestic violence a couple years ago, since I am all for sharing my experiences and spreading awareness of any kind. Sadly, and not at all surprisingly, I received some negative backlash asking me to take it down. Some people from my past were worried about how it made them look.. The nerve, eh! BUT in most cases of domestic violence individuals close to the abusers usually tend to keep a blind eye and enable them,…

  • Stand up!!


    Just a little Wednesday food for thought… I have been thinking about crossroads and how many of them we meet in our lives.  The definition of Crossroads is: “a point at which a crucial decision must be made that will have far-reaching consequences.”  The definition quite literally, and a little intensely, explains itself. Gone are the simple days of my parents where you meet your life partner, get married, buy a house, have a family of your own at such a young age and live in a work/life balance til you’re old and grey. All the while not dealing with as many health issues as we do today and mother…

  • Stand up!!

    All in this together

    Boy it’s been since the summer since I’ve written.. journal excluded! Many an occurrence has been had in the meantime! Summer was so great.. can we have it back now pls??? I know, I know.. I’m Canadian I should be used to the winter by now and shockingly we have had a really easy one this year, although February is almost upon us. Winter please, stay kind! This summer I actually enjoyed the city!! Could also be because I hadn’t spent a summer in the city the previous couple of years, surprised to find out I actually missed it. We who live in Toronto really are so fortunate! The diversity…

  • Stand up!!

    Walk So Kids Can Talk

    This year marks the 30th anniversary of Kids Help Phone, who so wonderfully help kids with any and all issues that matter to them! A soft spot of mine has always been kids, or anyone really, going through hard times, feeling helpless and alone and not knowing how to handle it. From bullying to family issues, death of a loved one to sexual or physical abuse, a diagnosis of illness… we go through many hard times in our lives unfortunately and how lovely it is to know there are organizations like Kids Help Phone that will open a loving ear and support. Many people bottle it up inside, which many…

  • Stand up!!


    On April 10th communities across the world united in wearing pink. To show being proud of diversity. Raise awareness to stop homophobia, transphobia and any and all forms of bullying. The beautiful day was dubbed The International Day of Pink. It began when two straight high school students saw a gay student wearing a pink shirt being bullied. The two students intervened but wanted to do more to prevent bullying. They decided to purchase pink shirts and a few days later got everyone at their school to arrive wearing pink, to take a stand in solidarity. Their message was “anyone can bully, anyone can be victimized by bullying but together…

  • From the heart xo,  Stand up!!

    Hint… Hint…

    Do you believe in signs?? I definitely do, always have!! Subtle little moments, sounds or objects that are trying to tell you something. What a wonderful thought that the universe is trying to guide us with symbols! That you’re on the right path, to steer clear of a decision, that a presence is watching over you. My whole life, throughout whatever I do, I have always asked God for a sign. I always try to spot some kind of hint to help with my decisions. I know it sounds like Hocus Pocus but that’s just me and something I have always done. The reason I bring this up is lately…

  • Stand up!!

    It’s cool to be kind

    Must be a full moon coming because all the unkind, mean spirited people are coming out of the woodworks today!! It began right in the morning. I woke up early to shovel the snow. Toronto was hit with one of the worst snow storms in a long time. I heard on the radio it was the most snow we have had since 1967! After shovelling my backyard I proceeded to go shovel around my car and saw one of my older neighbours holding a shovel in her hand. I asked if I could help before going to work but she said she was ok and thanked me. I started shovelling…

  • Stand up!!

    All you need is a big umbrella!

    It’s raining here in Toronto which is appropriate for my next subject…. Ever notice how when it rains it pours?! Why is that? It’s like we need to be put to the extreme test in those hard moments just to see how strong we can be! No more strength tests pls!! I’m not a body builder and I would be a pathetic one at that. Although, I use to run and I started running again the last couple months. Well actually my dog has made me run when we go for walks because he gets too excited and is way too strong for me that he just drags me. So…

  • Stand up!!

    We are the future!

    What has happened with this generation?! WARNING: a bit of a rant coming on but I promise it’s from a positive background! We, the future, have dropped the ball in some serious ways!! The idea that each generation would become better than the last really no longer applies! Not to be a downer, but more so to shed some light on things that we as this new age generation should be doing better at. We have come so far with positive, powerful thinking… young kids are more involved with politics, people are caring more about equality towards humanity, we are getting better at being more mindful of global warming, racial…

  • From the heart xo,  Stand up!!

    Day 1 of 365…

    Happy day number one of a new year! I’ve never been one to really believe in that “new year, new me” bull-ish, although I do like to take a new year and birthdays as resets. I believe any day of the year we can aspire to be a new and better version of ourselves! I have my own little weird quirk tho, I like to start goals on a Monday instead of in the middle of the week. If I eat badly (which usually consists of too much candy) I try to start cutting out the sugar highs the following Monday and let me tell you I will eat as…