• Stand up!!

    Obama Where Art Thou??

    Trumped! Technically it has only been weeks since our world has changed, to what feels like the olden days once again, as Trump has been declared president of the United States. I still can not believe it!! For me personally, to wrap my brain around living in a world where DONALD TRUMP is the president of the United States, is still something I can’t begin to fathom and because of the following… First of all, the Americans so called president is “The first one to say” he is NOT racist, Ummmm…. So banning all immigrants from entering your land of the free is not racist? Nearly 60,000 immigrants had their…

  • From the heart xo

    Day for lovers…

    Valentines day… Since Valentines day is approaching, i thought i’d share my thoughts on this day for lovers… First of all I’ve never been a very “traditional” human being, in pretty much all cases.. clothing, jobs, cars, wedding ceremonies and the list goes on. No offence to most people who love the whole two hundred plus wedding receptions with the wedding parties elaborate grand entrances, full hair and makeup, super expensive high class decorations, individuals invited that the happy couple barely even know and the overpriced wedding dress you’ll only wear once.. not my scene! I’d much rather take all that money and backpack through Europe!! The yearly traditions, like…

  • From the heart xo,  Stand up!!

    February 4th 2017

    Love yourself 🙂 Since not long ago was Bell Let’s Talk Day, I thought writing about my own personal experience would be fitting. The stigmas on mental health issues have always been pretty narrow minded in my opinion! My family on both sides have had mental health issues, so I’ve dealt with the stigmas my whole life. I too deal with it, mostly anxiety and at times bouts of depression, but let me tell you it is nothing anyone can control!! It is not a choice or like some people have said “they’re just being negative”… it stems from a chemical imbalance in your body. Unfortunately, no one can stop…

  • From the heart xo

    January 1st 2017

    January 1st 2017 Happy New Year everyone!! Hope it was everything you expected and more! New years for me has always been about a fresh start, the resolution of putting things of old in the past! Usually my goal, but this whole “New year, new me” thing has made me ponder… you don’t need to be a NEW you, we are who we are and never change that! My new goal for 2017 isn’t to be an up to date me, but a better version of me! I like who I am, I don’t want to change that but a little fine tuning wouldn’t hurt!! Applying expectations to a new…

  • From the heart xo

    December 28th 2016

    December 28th 2016 It’s been a dream of mine to have my very own blog and it’s finally coming into fruition! So, being my first post and all, i thought it would be appropriate since we are rearing the last days of 2016 to recap this years events! From the Zika virus to many an icon passing away this year. Brangelina being no longer together and my choice for worst moment of the year, Donald Trump becoming president, i think it’s safe to say everyone is probably ready for 2016 to be over with!! Let’s get rid of the bad stuff first… Starting the new year with the horrible Zika…