Stand up!!

All in this together

Boy it’s been since the summer since I’ve written.. journal excluded! Many an occurrence has been had in the meantime! Summer was so great.. can we have it back now pls??? I know, I know.. I’m Canadian I should be used to the winter by now and shockingly we have had a really easy one this year, although February is almost upon us. Winter please, stay kind! This summer I actually enjoyed the city!! Could also be because I hadn’t spent a summer in the city the previous couple of years, surprised to find out I actually missed it. We who live in Toronto really are so fortunate! The diversity of literally everything… people, food, shops. The acceptance of people, our personal tastes and choices of anything and everything. I forgot a little how nice it is to be out and about in my eclectic home. Summer was really lovely! Big thank you to my babysitters, my parents!! Otey enjoyed spending some time with his grandparents. I also went back to my old working roots, hair styling. I said goodbye to the banking world. It worked for my previous life, which in many ways I pretend never happened, but not this new one! I learned so much working for a financial institution but it wasn’t a creative outlet for me which I always end up craving. I’m so grateful to have a career that gives me both a good way of living at the same time as fulfilling my creative needs! Honestly just being around people is the best part and making them feel happy, beautiful and really their true authentic selves when they step out of my chair. Such a joy to feel daily! Especially in these times of our world.
I think we all felt the same way about the ending of 2019.. it was warmly welcomed! From North Korea-US Nuclear talks to Brexit. US-China trade wars to the impending talks of a World War Three. Female inequality still ongoing, exposing some male public figures to some disgustingly despicable acts! Climate change still amplifying while we devastatingly witnessed our Amazon and my home away from home Australia itself on fire, losing a heartbreaking amount of our innocent animals. Trump… the name alone says it all! My goodness how did we, so advanced, now in a new decade and the year 2020 actually let this guy become president?! My own personal hopes and wants for this world are to be loving, accepting of all races, shapes, and forms. Kind, cruelty free to mother nature, animals and each other… I get that unfortunately it is not the world we live in, but i’ll forever be wishing! Yes after that list of some of the hard times I mentioned that occurred in 2019 it is difficult to envision a world where we are all together in a circle, holding hands with flowers in our hair singing Kumbaya. Whenever a new year descends upon us, it’s usually the time for a fresh start for many. New resolutions, becoming better people or whatever we truly want for ourselves but I think the older I get the more I truly do realize a fresh start can be any day! We really never know what’s gonna happen next do we?! Like Sundays devastating news of Kobe Bryant and his daughter GiGi’s passing. Heartbreaking doesn’t even describe it!! I honestly didn’t believe it and still can’t grasp it. Crazy how someone we don’t even know personally can affect ours lives. The power of humanity! I feel like the whole world felt the heaviness of that loss! Truly reminding us of how fragile life really is! I was thinking about my youth and how much I loved basketball, stemming from elementary school. Being European soccer was always my number one but being Canadian hockey and basketball were so huge to me as well! The fun we’d have playing basketball in Phys Ed. How kids would yell “KOBE” when throwing a scrunched up ball of paper into the garbage bin, which I actually forgot we used to do until I saw a sweet Phys Ed teacher teaching the new generation of kids. I’m sure many of us with the busy times of our adult life start to forget those amazing, innocent joys of our youth. Seeing all the posts on social media or talks all over television, feels like all of us have taken this devastating loss as a reminder to just stop, enjoy, appreciate and love. Love one another, no matter the differences we might have in any way! Be accepting. ALWAYS be kind! Forgive those who have hurt us. Hold your loved ones so tight, appreciate them and tell them how much you love them as much as you can! Stay in the present! Drop the grudges, negativity and hate because we really never do know how long we have anyone in our lives or have life ourselves… things can change in an instant! Apologize when wrong. Be a shoulder for someone to cry on in times of need. This world is a very tough one to live in at times. Hence why we have days like today. Today is Bell Let’s Talk Day, this day has a soft spot with me! It’s all about people helping and supporting people in hard times. 1 in 5 people have a mental health issue. In Canada alone we lose anywhere from three to four thousand people a year due to suicides. On Bell Let’s Talk Day we’re encouraged to talk about what we are going through. Mental health issues are very common among many individuals but a lot of times dealing with it feels like we are the only ones. That’s why days like today are a good reminder to anyone going through anything difficult to talk about it, let it out, get the heaviness off your chest. Life can get heavy and you are definitely not even close to the only one who feels it! Don’t ever feel ashamed to ask for advice or help! As humans connecting is one of the most fulfilling things and to connect with others, knowing you’re not the only one facing challenges will help greatly I promise you! We are all in this thing called life together. Even if we don’t personally know each other, a life can always affect another life! There will always be dark times, unfortunately. Times that will test you. Difficult losses but there will most certainly be beautiful times!! As humans, sometimes we need to be reminded of that! There is always someone or something to be thankful for! Life is too short and we truly are so lucky to be alive!! Tell the ones you love how much you love and are thankful for them! If you’ve wronged someone, apologize, your ego is not worth the bad karma or the hurt that will grow in you knowing how you made someone feel bad. Forgive and let go. If you miss someone, tell them!

There are so many things in life that are beautiful… Family, friends, our fur babies, laughter, our passions, the world itself, LOVE! Remember those things when life gets difficult. The people who passed away yesterday, had plans for today. They may not have had the chance to tell someone they love them or to even say goodbye or got to do something they loved for the last time! So let’s live life for those who have lost. Let’s communicate with each other. Let’s talk when times are difficult. Lean on or help people without shame or judgement! Most importantly, let us be kind… To anyone and everyone!! You never know what someone is going through and how a little act of kindness can make their day brighter. Life’s too short!

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” -Lao Tzu

Peace & so much love to everyone xoxo


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